The Arthur Laffer curve is an economic principle that states:
As taxes rise, total taxes collected also increases until it reaches a peak where the total taxes collected begins to fall because of tax cheating, tax avoidance or reduced economic activity.
Democrats believe the Federal Government is on the left side of the Laffer curve.
They believe that if federal taxes are increased then the total amount of federal taxes collected will also increase. And if federal taxes are decreased then the total amount of federal taxes collected will also decrease.
Republicans believe the Federal Government is on the right side of the Laffer curve.
They believe that if federal taxes are decreased then the total amount of federal taxes collected will increase.
And if federal taxes are increased it will decrease the amount of taxes the federal government will be able to collect.
When taxes are low, government will be able to collect most of the taxes and fees it demands from its people. According to the Laffer principle, as taxes become excessive tax payers will take actions to avoid paying excessive taxes. Actions like tax cheating, not reporting an income, moving corporate headquarters to another low tax nation or quit a taxable business because of a smaller financial reward.
All these tax avoiding activities decrease the total taxes collected as represented by LC in the graph;
-------------------------------------------------------------high tax X----
low tax X------------------------------------------------------------------
Time Past--------------------------------------------Future Time
The graph shows taxes "X" increasing over a time span. The government's total taxes collected, represented by LC "The Laffer Curve", begins increasing on the left side of the curve where taxes are low and decreasing on the right side where taxes are high.
The lack of information, on how much tax is not being collected from tax cheaters or tax avoiders, is the basis for understanding why the 2 parties disagree over where the federal government is currently located on the Laffer curve.
The blue "LC" on the graph suggests where Democrats believe the Federal Government is on the Laffer Curve.
The red "LC" on the graph suggests where Republicans believe the Federal Government is on the Laffer Curve
#9 Fiscal Economic Policy
Democrats prefer demand side, Keynesian economic fiscal policy. Basically, a policy that empowers the government to spend more money which then helps to stimulate the economy. Democrats favor government correcting the unfairness created by "capitalistic free market forces"
Republicans prefer supply side economic fiscal policy. Basically, a policy that empowers the public to spend more money which then helps to stimulate the economy. Republicans favor "capitalistic free market forces" as a solution to economic troubles. They believe these forces can produce economic corrections too socially painful for any politician to make.
Time Past--------------------------------------------Future Time
The graph shows taxes "X" increasing over a time span. The government's total taxes collected, represented by LC "The Laffer Curve", begins increasing on the left side of the curve where taxes are low and decreasing on the right side where taxes are high.
The lack of information, on how much tax is not being collected from tax cheaters or tax avoiders, is the basis for understanding why the 2 parties disagree over where the federal government is currently located on the Laffer curve.
The blue "LC" on the graph suggests where Democrats believe the Federal Government is on the Laffer Curve.
The red "LC" on the graph suggests where Republicans believe the Federal Government is on the Laffer Curve
#9 Fiscal Economic Policy
Democrats prefer demand side, Keynesian economic fiscal policy. Basically, a policy that empowers the government to spend more money which then helps to stimulate the economy. Democrats favor government correcting the unfairness created by "capitalistic free market forces"
Republicans prefer supply side economic fiscal policy. Basically, a policy that empowers the public to spend more money which then helps to stimulate the economy. Republicans favor "capitalistic free market forces" as a solution to economic troubles. They believe these forces can produce economic corrections too socially painful for any politician to make.
#10 Government and Groups
Democrats tend to favor protecting smaller civic groups from being constrained or forced to conform to the will of a larger, more powerful civic group. To grant smaller civic groups freedoms that might be unacceptable with other larger, more powerful civic groups. An example of protecting smaller civic groups (the homosexual community) from being forced to conform to a larger civic group (the heterosexual community) is how the Democrat Party favors allowing homosexual couples the same rights and privileges as heterosexual married couples.This favor towards the weak is just the opposite with government groups, meaning, Democrats tend to favor having smaller governments conform to the will of a larger, more powerful centralized government. An example of having smaller governments (states) conform to a larger government (federal) is that the Democrats favor having the Federal Government set a national speed limit. Or how the Democrats favor having America (a smaller or subordinate government to the U.N.) follow the lead of the United Nations (a larger, more centralized government) on a U.N. global pollution limiting plan called "the Kyoto Protocol"
Republicans tend to favor protecting smaller governments from being constrained or forced to conform to the will of a larger, more powerful, centralized government. To grant smaller governments freedoms that might be unacceptable with larger more powerful governments. An example of protecting smaller governments (states) from being forced to conform to a larger government (federal) is that the Republican Party favors allowing each State Government to set it's own speed limit. Or how the Republicans favor protecting America (a smaller or subordinate government to the U.N.) from being forced to conform to the expensive burdens of "the Kyoto Protocol" a global pollution limiting plan of the United Nations (a larger, more centralized government)
This favor towards the weak is just the opposite with non-government groups, meaning, Republicans tend to favor having smallercivic groups conform to the will of a larger, more powerful civic group. An example of having smaller civic groups (the homosexual community) conform to a larger civic group (the heterosexual community) is that the Republicans favor having the heterosexual community define marriage (as that of one man and one woman)
Diff #11 Freedom of Speech
Whenever an individual's self expression in public becomes a political controversy;
Democrats tend to defend the free speech rights of an individual's public expression of;
1) artistry,
2) sexuality,
3) anti-spirituality and/or
4) anti-nationalism...more often than other expressions.
Republicans tend to defend the free speech rights of an individual's public expression of;
1) spirituality,
2) nationalism,
3) anti-artistry and/or
4) anti-sexuality... more often than other expressions.
Difference #12 Military
☆≣ Democrats tend to prefer to have the military's foreign operations directed by or jointly with an international organization like the United Nations or N.A.T.O. more often than by only Americans and the Pentagon.
Democrat President Obama's invasion of Libya was directed to be lead by NATO
☆≣ Republicans tend to prefer to have the military's foreign operations directed by only Americans and the Pentagon more often than by or jointly with an international organization like the United Nations or N.A.T.O.
Republican President Bush's invasion of Iraq was directed to be lead by the US Military
Difference #13 War
☆≣ The Democratic Party will oppose a military operation or a war lead by a Republican President. They will expose the failures and lives lost from a Republican lead war and promote the benefits and lives saved from a Democrat lead war like ISIL, Bosnia or World War 2.
"These strikes have also helped save the lives of thousands of innocent men, women and children." President Obama
President Truman's letter to Irv Kupcinet
☆≣ The Republican Party will oppose a military operation or a war lead by a Democrat President. They will expose the failures and lives lost from a Democrat lead war and promote the benefits and lives saved from a Republican lead war like Afghanistan, Iraq or The 1990 Persian Gulf War;
"I think it was an important part of our overall strategy in the Global War on Terror. I think it saved lives." Vice President Dick Cheney
Difference #14 Judging Judges
The words "litmus test" are often used during the process of appointing Federal Judges and Supreme Court Justices; who are reviewed and appointed or rejected by members of Congress. ( Congress = Senate + House of Representatives) The basic meaning of a "litmus test" is to determine weather a nominee's personal collection of political viewpoints are in agreement with your own and to reject their appointment if their viewpoints differ from yours. A member of congress with a strong position on the death penalty will want to know a nominee's position on the death penalty before agreeing to promote that nominee to a more powerful judicial position.
☆≣ Democrats work to appoint a judge who favors the same collection of viewpoints as the Democrat party. Viewpoints (identified by blue in this study) that come from liberal, left wing political thought. Ideas that would, for example, ban the death penalty and keep legal a woman's right to choose to have an abortion.
Democrats favor the efforts of a judicial watchdog group called
"The People for the American Way"
Democrats favor judges who see the U.S. Constitution as a "living, changing document" with "evolving standards of morality" who might look to the courts of foreign nations for guidance on decisions.
Democrats prefer the decisions and statements made by Supreme Court Justices;
![]() |
Liberal Justice Stephen G. Breyer |
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Liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg |
Justice Ginsberg's health has been in the news lately.
Democrats are encouraging her to retire now while a Democratic President is in the White House who can appoint a new justice with similar liberal viewpoints.
☆≣ Republicans work to appoint a judge who favors the same collection of viewpoints as the Republican party. Viewpoints (identified by red in this study) that come from conservative, right wing political thought. Ideas that would, for example, ban abortions and keep legal a juror's right to choose to sentence a criminal to punishment by death.
Republicans favor the efforts of a judicial watchdog group called
" The Federalist Society"
Republicans favor "originalist" judges who see the U.S. Constitution as a "non changing, strictly constructed document" and look only within America for guidance on decisions.
Republicans prefer the decisions and statements made by Supreme Court Justices;
![]() |
Conservative The late Justice Antonin Scalia |
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Conservative Justice Clarence Thomas |
Justice Antonin Scalia died Saturday 2/13/2016
Related links,
The U.S. Supreme Court
The U.S. Constitution
Difference #15 Censorship
In a dispute, when deciding on the content of educational material required by or funded by the government,
Democrats respect the religious beliefs of others by not imposing their own religion on others. Democrats tend to favor the government teaching of "safe sex" (the use of condoms) and the creation and development of the universe as described by scientists and Darwin's theory of evolution.
Democrats would like to censor viewpoints that come from conservative, right wing political thought. They work to prevent these viewpoints from being promoted by public (government) schools, government funded universities and government media.
Republicans encourage religious ethics within government organizations. Republicans tend to favor the government teaching of religious ideas like "sexual abstinence" (virginity until married) and the creation and development of the universe as described by the book of Bereishis in the Torah or Genesis in the Bible
Republicans would like to censor viewpoints that come from liberal, left wing political thought.
They work to prevent these viewpoints from being promoted by public (government) schools, government funded universities and government media.
Read a debate with both views;
Leftwing viewpoint; Professor Lawrence Krauss, Case Western Reserve University
Rightwing viewpoint; Professor Michael Behe, Lehigh University and their debate;
Diff #16 Fear of Dictatorship
Democrats fear that America is moving dangerously towards fascism when they see
these combined activities (that Republicans tend to favor):
- excessive public expressions of nationalism,
- excessive public expressions of American military superiority,
- increasing religious control over government and
- increasing private gun ownership.
- Displaying the American flag on vehicles or clothing, is an example of an expression of nationalism.
- Chanting "USA,USA,USA…" , after President Bush declares at ground zero "…the people who knocked these buildings down will hear from all of us" , is an example of an expression of American military superiority.
- Religious organizations managing social welfare funds through the "Faith Based Initiative" is an example of religious control over government.
- Record sales of firearms ammunition.
Republicans fear that America is moving dangerously towards communism when they see
these combined activities (that Democrats tend to favor):
- transferring power to a more centralized government,
- increasing social government,
- government censoring of public expressions of spirituality and
- increasing government restrictions on private gun ownership.
- Creating a national US Government Health Plan (Obama-care) is an example of transferring power (from individual health plans) to a centralized government. (the US Federal Government)
- Nominating a self defined "Socialist" Presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders,
expresses the parties acceptance of socialism, or the expansion of social government.
- Banning the Boy Scouts from military bases because its members pledge an oath to God, is an example of the government censoring public expressions of spirituality.
- Banning semiautomatic rifles is an example of increasing government restrictions on private gun ownership.
this is valuable information for learners.thanks
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